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Pastoral Team and Early Help

At Trinity, We do all we can to support pupils and families through thick and thin. We are aware of the many pressures that families are under, and we are on hand to provide support, signposting of external services and suggestions for families who require additional help or 'Early Help' at any time. Our pastoral team operate from our dedicated pastoral hub, the Hive, and can be contacted via the school office or direct through

We work closely with Herefordshire Early Help Team, and suggest that families who require support outside of school contact the CHAT team (Children's Help and Advice Team) on 01432 260261. For more information on this service, follow the link below:

Early Help and support for families in Herefordshire

For more support across our community, including school holiday activities and advice around all thing school, home and parenting, follow the link below:

Talk Community

We are keen to help as many families access parenting courses as possible, offering online or face-to-face courses locally through the Early Help Team. For more information, contact our pastoral team or follow the link below for more information:

Early help parenting courses