about 1 day ago Trinity Primary School said
Year 2 have been busy exploring and testing different materials in DT! The children have been investigating how materials can be resistant, absorbent, and waterproof. They have also learnt about Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, and his influence on the design of the famous Wellington boot. It has been a fantastic, hands-on learning experience!
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about 1 day ago Trinity Primary School said
Year 2 had an awesome time on the last day of Lego club today. We played with our Lego figures, dinosaurs, and aliens that we built. Over the past few weeks, we've made all kinds of cool things using our imagination. We've built schools, mazes, the inside of the Titanic, planes, ships, a cheese man's house, and even a haunted forest. It's been an amazing time in Lego club.
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about 1 day ago Trinity Primary School said
Please join us at our Health and Wellbeing event on Tuesday 1st April in the school hall from 3.20pm-5.30pm. All parents and pupils are invited. We have a range of partners and agencies joining us including the School Nursing team, see below.
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about 1 day ago Trinity Primary School said
**SEND Coffee Morning**
Friday 4th April in school 9-10.30am
Please come and join us if your child is on the SEND register in school or if you have concerns relating to additional needs. This is a chance to meet other parents and carers, ask questions and enjoy refreshments in a relaxed and supportive environment. *Agenda to follow. Please confirm your attendance with the office if you would like to attend.
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about 1 day ago Trinity Primary School said
This morning, Years 1 to 6 were treated to an assembly by the fabulous Ruth from Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. The children learned all about the water cycle, the role Welsh Water play in providing us with water, and the dangers of reservoirs. Thanks Ruth - extremely informative and engaging.
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