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Religious Education

Religious Education at Trinity

At Trinity, we are a school that believes in the importance of learning about and from different religions. In today’s world it is vital to teach children about the different traditions, festivals and values that other people hold and giving them a balanced view of all the different religions that make up the world. This should enable them to develop a clear understanding of their own values and beliefs while respecting those of others in line with the Herefordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.

Our aim to break down any stereotypes about religion and share with the children what a religion teaches and how this impacts the way in which their followers should live. We want our children to be able to question their choices and the choices of others and use justified reasons to explain why some people may see the world differently to others. Our School vision is that every child at Trinity has ‘Heart’ (to be healthy, engaged, ambitious, respectful and to feel included at Trinity). We promote these values through Religious Education by:

  • Health – In R.E. we help to nurture children’s spiritual and moral development.
  • Engagement – During R.E. lessons, we aim to inspire wonder and spark children’s interest by planning and delivery creative and exciting lessons about other religions.
  • Ambition – We want every child to achieve the key knowledge and skills underpinned in the R.E. syllabus.
  • Respect – A core aim of the R.E. curriculum is to teach children about tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs. We encourage children of all or no faith to show mutual respect and kindness and to treat all fairly.
  • Team Trinity – We teach the children that each religion is different and special. The followers of that religion are to all have equal opportunities to learn, succeed and believe.