Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
![]() Mrs S Sampson |
![]() Mr J Lane |
![]() Mr M Land |
![]() Mrs L Brooks |
6SB Mrs Sampson & Mrs Brooks
6L Mr Lane
6D Mr Land
Our LSAs are Mrs Greenway, Mrs Haynes & Miss South
![]() Mrs Haynes |
![]() Miss South |
![]() Mrs Greenway |
Spring Term
We are delighted to welcome you all back to Y6.
We have a very busy and exciting term ahead of us, and we look forward to meeting you all throughout the year.
The year group is divided into 3 classes:
6D taught by Mr Land and is supported by Mrs Greenway
6L taught by Mr Lane and is supported by Miss South
6SB taught by Mrs Brooks (Mon and Tuesday) & Mrs Sampson (Wed to Fri) and supported by Mrs Haynes
We recommend that your child brings a small, named pencil case to school with essential stationery (which must fit into their class tray – no stationery toys please). In the morning, Y6 should enter through the main playground gates (8:40-8:50) and will leave via the same way at 3:20. If your child arrives later than 8:50, they must enter through the front office. We appreciate that as the children grow older, they gain more independence. Children who wish to walk or cycle home on their own must have a completed ‘Walking Home Alone’ form which is available from your class teacher.
Please encourage your child to read five times independently at home for homework and log this on BoomReader. It would be fantastic if you could, on occasion, discuss what they are reading.
In the first half of this term, we will be studying ‘Where the River Runs Gold’ by Sita Brahmachari. This is a dystopian, but ultimately hopeful novel due to the love of nature and of humanity that shines through. The themes of child exploitation, inequality and climate crisis are explored in this book. We shall continue to focus on developing sentence structure, and exploring writing in different genre styles. After half-term, we shall explore non-fiction writing with a newspaper article.
The children will be working hard towards the SATs exams which take place from Monday 12h May- Thursday 15th May. Please can you provide whatever help you can with their revision homework.
This term we will be looking at the topic ‘Light’, followed by ‘Classification’.
Curriculum topics this term
We will be studying Monarchs in our History unit. In Geography we shall be studying Physical Processes (earthquakes, mountains and volcanoes). In RE will be exploring the theme, Creation and Science: conflict or complimentary?
P.E. and Swimming
P.E kits can be worn to school on PE days. Kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers.
We will be continuing with outdoor PE for all classes, and this will take place on Thursday. Indoor PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon for those children who are not swimming. Your child will need to wear their PE kit to school on those days unless they are swimming, in which case they will bring their swimming kit in and wear school uniform as usual.
We are very fortunate to have our own pool here at Trinity, and we feel that it is very important that children take advantage of this resource. Therefore, children must remember to bring their swimming kits to every session. If, for any reason, your child is unable to take part in P.E. or swimming, a signed letter must be provided.
6L will be swimming for this term. Please make sure they have their swimming kit in every Tuesday. In the New Year, P.E. / Swimming will resume on Tuesday 7th January. 6D will swim in the summer term.
Your child is to wear PE kit to and from school on PE days.
During the first half of the term we shall be looking at relationships and how to build positive, healthy relationships. We also have Purple Leaf coming to work with the children. For the second half of the term we shall be looking at celebrating differences where we will be looking at respect for similarities and differences, anti-bullying and being unique.
We will continue to send weekly maths work home. In January, we will be setting grammar activities for your child to complete at home to help support them with their learning. We would also like them to continue to read 5 times a week.
Key Dates
Tuesday 7th January – First day of term
Wednesday 15th January – Purple Leaf Parent Talk 2-3 pm
Friday 14th February- End of half term
Thursday 6th March- World Book Day. Year 6 parents welcome to come in at 2:40pm and share a story with your child
Friday 14th March – Careers Fair for Y5&Y6
Friday 21st March – Red Nose Day
Thursday 27th March – SEND parent meetings
Tuesday 1st April & Thursday 3rd April – Parent Meetings
Friday 11th April – Last day of spring term