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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 

5W is taught by Mr. Walker
5R is taught by Miss. Roberts

The Year 5 teachers...

Mr B Walker

Miss L Roberts

And our TAs... 

Miss A Thompson

Mr R Smith


This term, we will start our adventure by reading our class text ‘Explorer’ , written by Katherine Rundell. We will also be using this book as our writing stimulus, followed by looking at incredible explorers such as David Attenborough. Well done all those children who have read 5 times a week since September, please can you continue to encourage your children to read every night, and record the read via BoomReader so that we can continue to monitor in class. Welcome back Year 5! We hope you had a restful Christmas break! Attached is some information for Spring term, including some key information on rules, routines and the topics and texts we will be studying this term. 5W: Taught by Mr. Walker, supported by Mrs. Thompson 5R: Taught by Miss. Roberts, supported by Mr. Smith. 



This term in RE, we will be looking at the questions What does it mean if God is Holy and Loving? and Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people? We will be discussing ‘Relationships’ and ‘Celebrating differences’ in RHSE.



This term, we’ll focus on division and fractions, including equivalences, ordering, and calculations. Mastery of times tables up to 12x12 and corresponding division facts is essential, so please practice at home and keep using Times Tables Rockstars!



For this term, in Science, we will study animals including humans, which will involve a range of exciting experiments.


We will be beginning the term with Geography, looking at world cities and biomes. 


PPA will take place every Tuesday morning. PE for Year 5 will take place on a Monday and a Tuesday. PE kit should be worn to school by all classes on a Monday. Kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) children can wear black joggers in the event of cold weather. This term, 5W will be swimming every Tuesday morning so please ensure that your children have suitable kits including a hat and goggles if needed. 5R will rotate between PE and Art during their PPA morning, so will need to wear their PE kits in school on a Tuesday. If your child cannot participate in swimming or PE for any reason, they must bring a letter explaining the reasons why as it is part of the curriculum. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


This half term, we will be introducing homework books. The children will be given spellings and times tables every Tuesday. We ask that children complete the work that we send home to help support their learning and hand it in the following Monday. We still encourage children to read five times a week.


Children who wish to walk home on their own must have permission enabled on Arbor. This can be completed via the App under consents. For your child's safety, children may bring in a mobile phone, if walking to and from school. Mobile phones MUST be handed in to the class teacher at the beginning of the day and must not be turned on until they leave school premises. Consent for mobile phones in school can be enabled via the Arbor App under consents. Your child may bring a small (must fit completely in their tray), named pencil case to school with their own equipment if they wish too.



