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Year 2

Welcome to Year Two.

2GP Mrs Gulley and Mrs Price 
2G Miss Goodfellow
2L Miss Lewis 

Our Teachers

Miss Lewis

Mrs Gulley

Mrs Price

Miss Goodfellow

and Our Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Anderson

Miss Burton

Miss Lane

Miss Warren

We have a very busy and exciting Spring term ahead of us and below is a summary of some of the learning that will be taking place.


School Uniform

We are trying to help all members of Team Trinity look as smart as possible! Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform. This includes only round, silver/ gold stud earrings. Hair accessories should be small and in school colours. Where children are not dressed in line with our uniform policy, you will be sent a polite reminder via the school office.



In English this term, we will be writing stories based on The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. On Friday 10th January, Luke from Wye Valley Falconry is coming to deliver a talk and show us all of his exciting birds as an ‘experience day’ as part of this topic. This is kindly funded by the PTA.  We will then be writing a non-chronological report on Singapore.  Our final spring unit will be Little Red Reading Hood.



This term, we will be reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, which will link in with our work in English. In line with the school’s reading policy, children are expected to read five times a week at home. Books can be changed every day, once children are fluent and demonstrate a good understanding of the text. Please support your child by logging this on Boom Reader. When your child has read five times in one week, they will get entered into the reading raffle for a special prize each half term. During Autumn, the winners were given a book of their choice to enjoy in the forest school area with a hot chocolate!

We would like to invite you to share a story with your child around World Book Day on 03.03.25. Please arrive via the school office.



Firstly, we will be continuing our work on Multiplication and Division. We will be learning the 2, 5- and 10-times tables and how to share into equal groups.  After this, we will be learning Statistics, Properties of Shape, Fractions and Measuring.  Children will be encouraged to work practically, to develop strategies to support them in their work and improve their reasoning skills.   



In Science, we will be studying all about different materials. Our units are called Choosing Materials and Changing Materials.


P.E. and Swimming

P.E kits are required to be worn to school on the day of your child’s P.E. lesson. School P.E. kit consists of plain black shorts or joggers, a black sweatshirt or hoody and white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers. Please ensure that if your child wears earrings to school, these are either removed by the child themselves or taped up with tape provided from home.

All Year 2 children will be doing outdoor PE on a Monday, weather permitting.  

2G will be swimming during the Spring term. All classes are to wear PE kit on Wednesday.



Our first topic is Relationships, where we will learn and discuss important people in their lives. In Spring 2, our topic is Changing Me where we look at simple ways we grow and change.  As part of our Changing Me topic, we will be learning the correct scientific names for private body parts.



In response to ongoing discussion with parents, we will begin sending regular home learning tasks in the Spring term. We will be sending home weekly homework on Friday. This will include Spellings to learn at home and a maths sheet which will link to what we are learning in class. Please return homework by the following Friday.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.   You can contact any member of the staffing team through the email addresses listed below. Teachers will respond during working hours at the earliest possible convenience. Please avoid emailing in the evenings or at weekends where possible.