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Year 1

Welcome to Year One

Class Teachers

1C - Miss Chandler
1P - Mrs Powell
1B - Miss Bowen

Miss J Chandler

Mrs G Powell

Miss E Bowen

Learning Support Assistants 

Miss Smith

Mrs Rowberry-Chance

Mrs Hussey


Little Red Riding Hood loves to visit her Granny’s cottage in the forest. Her mother warns her to go straight to Granny’s, but when she meets a charming, grey wolf, she doesn’t see the harm in stopping for a chat.

This term we will be exploring the tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ by Lari Don. The story provides plenty of mystery and opens a world of imagination for our children. The story will lead us on some cross-curricular adventures through the conservation area and through to the kitchen where we will be making some treats for Red to take to Granny. We will be continuing to encourage the children to include capital letters, full stops, correct letter formation and finger spaces in their writing. We will also be supporting the children to independently develop their writing by continuing to include key features such as onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors, alliteration, adjectives, conjunctions and different sentence types.


In Year 1 we will continue to encourage the children to immerse themselves in reading good quality texts for pleasure. In-line with the school’s reading policy, children are expected to read five times a week at home. We would be grateful if you could discuss the text and illustrations with your child to develop their comprehension of the books. Children will bring home 4 reading books each Wednesday. Two books will be linked to the phonics sessions taught within school and will support your child’s reading fluency. One book will be from the Bug Club scheme and should be a more challenging read. One book is a ‘free choice’ book that will promote reading for pleasure. Please support your child by logging your read on Boom Reader each time they read to an adult. If five reads are recorded each week, your child will be awarded a raffle ticket which goes towards the end of term reading raffle. If you do not have a Boom Reader login for your child, please email their class teacher.


This term we will be developing our understanding of Place Value within 10, leading on to Addition and Subtraction. 

In the first few weeks we will be consolidating our understanding of numbers within 10. Within maths lessons, we will be sorting objects, counting objects, representing objects, counting forwards and backwards, counting one more and one less and comparing and ordering numbers.


This term we will be introducing animals including humans, looking at parts of the body and the different senses we use. We will also begin by looking at the different seasons and seasonal change starting with Autumn.

P.E. and Swimming

P.E kits are still required to be worn to school on the day of your child’s P.E. lesson. Just a reminder that the school P.E. kit consists of plain black shorts or joggers, a black sweatshirt or hoody and white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers. Please ensure that if your child wears earrings to school, these are either removed by the child themselves or taped up with tape provided from home.

All Year 1 children will be doing outdoor PE or forest school on a Thursday. Please send your child in the correct clothing depending on what lesson they have. 1B will be taking part in forest school starting Thursday 12th September for this half term, a letter will follow. 1P and 1C will have PE on Thursday for this half term.

1C and 1B will have outdoor PE on a Wednesday for a 12-week block so will be required to wear their PE kit to school on this day. 1P will be swimming in school every Wednesday for a 12-week block. Their first swimming lesson will be on Wednesday the 11th September. They should come to school dressed in their school uniform and bring their swimming kits into school. If, for any reason, your child is unable to take part in P.E. or swimming, a signed letter must be provided.