Computing at Trinity
At Trinity, we offer our children the opportunity to be creative, confident users of information technology and prepare them for the technology-filled world they live in. We deliver all aspects of the computing national curriculum using selected units of the Teach Computing scheme of work. Throughout each year at Trinity, the children will participate in units of computing work themed around computing systems and networks, data and information, programming and creating media. Our children have opportunities to engage with a variety of information technology including Beebot floor robots, iPads, laptops, Data logging software, Crumble Kits and MicroBits.
Throughout each year, children at Trinity will take part in lessons, assemblies and specific days related to Online Safety. At Trinity, will use ‘Education for a Connected World’ objectives from Project Evolve to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of keeping themselves safe within the online world. Children will also learn about being safe online through some of their Jigsaw lessons for Relationships, Health, Sex and Education (RHSE).
All classrooms and key learning areas have SMART posters to remind our children how to keep themselves safe when using technology and accessing the internet.